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Hannah B., Sophomore, Future Class of 2027

I have been homeschooled my whole life, so when my parents suggested looking at places to go for high school I was more than a little surprised. We looked at several different options, including continuing to homeschool, but nothing quite seemed to fit. Then we heard about St. John Paul II High School. It was a small and classical school close to our house, and it seemed like the perfect fit. I did a shadow day there, to see how I liked it, and it was a blast! I loved everything about it. The classes were fun and interesting, the teachers and students were fun and welcoming, and I loved that there was daily mass. I decided to go to St. John Paul II High School, and it has been such a blessing to be able to go. I am currently a sophomore, and have been enjoying school every bit as much this year as I did last year.

The school has really helped me grow spiritually, in many different ways. It has been such a spiritual gift to be able to receive the Eucharist every day. It gives me such joy and it has really deepened my relationship with Jesus. Prayer before each class has taught me the power of praying for others, and for the intercession of the saints. The weekly option of confession has been such a blessing, and our whole class looks forward to cheering when someone comes back from, “being saved.” A new campus would give us the ability to attend mass in our own chapel which would be an amazing experience.

St. John Paul II High School has also helped me grow academically, and I really enjoy getting to learn a lot of new things. I especially love biology, as it is so cool to learn the depth and intricacy with which God made our world. I have learned many new and useful things, and the learning process has been very fun and exciting. All of the teachers are very kind and supportive, and are always there to answer any questions I may have, whether it be about homework, or just wanting to know more about the subject we are learning.

I found a strong community of kind and loving friends at school, who I regularly eat lunch, study, goof off, dance, and do homework with. It is so much fun seeing and hanging out with them every day. This year I joined two clubs: sewing club, and dance club, which have been a ton of fun, both to hang out with friends and to do fun activities. I think with a new campus, and the ability to have more students, more people will be able to experience the joy of learning new things and forming new friendships. We would be able to have more teachers, more students, and more opportunities to learn and do new and fun things.